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Atul Sabharwal Numerology

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atul sabharwal Numerology

Born on: 22nd January, 1977

With the unusual choices of films, Atul Sabharwal the director of Indian film industry was born on 22 nd Jan, 1977, made of his some of his directorial films are Aurangzeb (Directorial debut in 2013) and In their shoes (also the producer of the documentary), Power, and as screenwriter Darna Mana Hai, Phir Milenge, Via Darjeeling, My wife s murder and Udaan are not to mention. He is the alumnus of Asian Academy of Film and Television. He is from Agra, and acted in Khoya Khoya Chand. He also produced a short video Midnight Lost and Found .

Talents/Strengths : Works hard, practical, gets things done.

Areas of Concern : Fears downsizing not having familiar routine. Rigid.

General Learning : Need for security. Develops order out of chaos.

Practical Expression : Administrator, team player, back office of small business.

  • 1. He possess a magnetic personality. He makes sure his thoughts and voice are heard loud enough.
  • 2. Atul Sabharwal is attracted towards the field of philosophy, literature and performing arts. Even if he unable to make the profession, he never stop practicing them.
  • 3. He is never meek. He always love to express his views.
  • 4. Atul Sabharwal is filled with high idealism and are adaptable.
  • 5. He as leaders or managers is incredibly generous to his subordinates. He is open-minded and liberal.
  • 6. He is very cheerful. Atul Sabharwal ever hopeful and motivated in his life.
  • 7. He is talented and highly get appreciated in sports, film, acting, singing. He loves to watch him.
  • 8. He always thinks high about his. He can add sugary additives to his narratives!
  • 9. Atul Sabharwal is extremely talkative. This quality earns the distrust of others.
  • 10. He never concern about the future. He actively lives in the present.

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